Current bin situation. Auto updates every minute. Click for full image.

Wednesday, 19 October 2011

Bin Emptied Friday 19th October

Tuesday morning is the extra bin emptying the council have arranged, especially for BinHQ. Note the TV crew in the background who have recently finished doing this BinHQ interview.

BinHQ On ITV Daybreak

London's most famous bin live on TV!

The interview can be found here for the next week or so:

Skip to minute 23:45. Unfortunately you can't skip the ad breaks :( Booooo! It was an early rise for me and I came across all serious... really not in the BinCam spirit at all. I wanted to give a shout out to the Bin Hero (whom we shall forever salute) but I forgot to.

Girl Tips Bag Of Crap Beside Bin

Minor Bin Hero

A minor bin hero tidies up some of the crap left behind by the workie bloke. For bonus points he takes away the a cardboard box for recycling. Well done, sir!

Workie Bloke Skenks Up Place With Cardboard Boxes

Sunday, 16 October 2011

Return Of The Bingelanti

The Original Bin Hero (whom we shall forever salute) honoured us with a surprise appearance this weekend to deliver where the local council failed to. I thank you with all my might! Thank you for putting those boxes in the bin. Thank you, thank you, thank you. Back to BINCON 5 now thanks to this fine citizen.

Bin Emptied Friday 16th October

Oh never mind about those cardboard boxes, Camden Council! I'm sure somebody will clear them up eventually.

Friday, 14 October 2011


Bumped up to BINCON 4 since there are cardbard boxes next to the bin.

London's Tidiest Bin

Veeeery quiet on BinCam. No bin action at all! If this keeps up then it's safe to say BinCam has fulfilled its purpose and that it might have to come to and end, sadly. Let's see what the next week brings. I'm considering having a binparty as a celebration at some point... let's see!

Follow Up To Original Camden New Journal Article

Follow up article on BinCam from Georgia Graham at the Camden New Journal.

Thursday, 13 October 2011

BinCam Talks To Drivetime Eddie On BBC London Radio

Check it out here:

Thanks very much to Jonathan Savage (@SavageLDN) for picking up the story. Please don't forget Georgia Graham (@georgiagraham) from the Camden New Journal who got the original scoop.

Wednesday, 12 October 2011

Evening BinBomb Attack

BinHQ welcomes you and humbly apologises for the grainy footage!

Council Bloke Sweeps Up - October 12th

Very nice job sir, very nice.

Council Bloke Takes Away Box And Gigantic Cellophane

I'm glad - that oversized cellophane was terrifying me. This is great. Never has the street been so clean midweek. Camden Council, you've come good. Thank you! Please keep it up. Back to BINCON 5 now :)

BinBomber IV

This fine chap does a textbook binbomb. Thanks for making me smile!

Workman Bloke Removes Sign

Excellent work my good man!

BinCam Leaps Into Modern Age - @BinHQ

Dearest binfans, please check out @BinHQ on twitter for updates. BinCam will be posting things there when they aren't quite worthy of a blog posting.

Tuesday, 11 October 2011

Extra Bin Emptying

In another welcome development, following on from the council bloke tidying up around the bin yesterday, the bin was emptied today. This is the first time Bin HQ has witnessed an emptying on any day except Friday. Certainly a welcome development... most welcome indeed. It would have been even better if they had tidied up the cardboard box and the gigantic cling film thing next to the bin too, but never mind. Maybe next week :)

Monday, 10 October 2011

Weekend Filth Cretins Identified

Wow. Turns out BinCam could directly identify the Weekend Filth Cretins. In a blatant piece of self censorship though, BinCam HQ will be having a stern word in their ear rather than naming and shaming them. They are new to the area. You know who you are! Couldn't find where the pink-framed blackboard came from though...

Council Bloke Tidies Up Rubbish Around Bin

This is a first for BinCam. A very welcome development. Thank you, sir. Thanks to you we are back to a safe BINCON 4.

Fox Checks Out Bin HQ

Near the top, using the parking ticket machine for cover. Watch out - there are loud, dodgy wind sounds in this vid. So don't watch it with headphones in, binfans.

Bin HQ likes foxes.

BinBomber The Third

Welcome to Bin HQ :)

Pee Frenzy

Inspired by the Night Plonker, this guy can't contain himself any longer and goes for it, right there in the main street, in full view of BinCam. This is just off West End Lane... the Oxford Street of West Hampstead. There are better places to pee, people. Like in a toilet for instance.

Night Plonker Relieves Himself

OMFG, I can't believe it! I'm 90% sure that this bloke taking a leek is the Night Plonker, originally spotted here. Nice work mate. Not content with fly-tipping two nights in a row, you have now taken to peeing on the bin! Let me think... how can you top this off, mate? Maybe you'd like to take a poo or something next time? Jesus.


While surveying the archive footage from Friday, BinCam spotted this cheeky chappy and his sidekick. The original BinBombers! The bloke @ 18:58 in this other posting is hereby officially stripped of the distinction and honour of being the first person to notice and look up at BinCam. Welcome to BinCam HQ.

Sunday, 9 October 2011

Weekend Filth Cretins Go Wild

I go away for just two bloody days and what happens? Jeeeeesuus! It looks like every bin cretin in West Hampstead has had a pop at fly-dumping something when I've been away. Bumped the BINCON level straight up to 1, and this is only Sunday... whooh! You can be sure these goons will have their filthy little faces in the hall of shame as soon as I have a spare hour or two to get the footage online, which should be tomorrow night (Monday). I still need to post the vid of the latest guy taking a leek too. Scum.

Saturday, 8 October 2011

No Posts Until Late Sunday

Sorry binfans, but there will probably be no posts from me until late Sunday. I've got something vaguely more interesting than looking at by bin to do this weekend. Whaddaya mean ya don't believe me?!!

In the meantime, if anybody notices any suspicious bin activity please feel free to leave a comment. :) I'm sitting on some hot footage of another bloke taking a leek last night that I haven't had the chance to process yet. I'm going to post an article on the technology and methodology behind bincam shortly too since people have been asking. So don't worry, there's more coming soon... just not today.

Friday, 7 October 2011

Girl Chases Piece Of Paper And Picks It Up

Any eagle eyed binfans will notice that this clip is from yesterday. I was in two minds whether to post this. Given that the most popular page on BinCam (after the home page) is the clip of a woman falling over and being helped up, followed closely by the clip of a bloke taking a pee, I wouldn't be faintly suprised if this one is popular too.

I make no value judgements. I don't claim that this is amusing or that it will change your life. It is what it is. Girl Chases Piece Of Paper And Picks It Up.

Dude Bombs BinCam HQ

Photobombs that is :)

Pretty sure that's a pose being struck end there, but unfortunately mate you were standing too far away and your head's not in shot! You have the distinction and honour of being the first person to notice and look up at BinCam :)

I've started a binbomber album in case we get any more like this.

Bloke Boots Pink Flipper

The dude is obviously startled by it and instinctively lashes out with violence. He gets outa there sharpish too.

Bin Emptied Friday 7th October - UPDATED

Every Friday, about half an hour before my alarm clock goes off I get woken up by the binmen emptying the bin into their lorry. Naturally, the first thing I do before I settle into a nice, half-hour snooze is to check BinCam on my phone. I was keen today to see how much of the crud around the bin they'd take away since we were at BINCON 4.

Seems like they take away anything that's bagged up, which to be fair is most likely exactly what they are instructed to do. In fact, I'd hazard a guess that they are going above and beyond the call of duty in taking away little shopping bags of rubbish and not just black bin-liner type bags.

So, they left the roadsign that the workmen from yesterday neglected to take away. They left the box fly-tipped by the Night Plonker. They left the DIY rubbish which was originally left in a neat pile, but which through entropy has degraded into a jumbled mess... and last but by no means least, they left the pink flipper!

Obviously people shouldn't fly tip this junk around the bin, that's clearly wrong... but I think the council are failing us a little too. The council will take away bags, empty the bin and they will sweep up around the street. That's great. What is missing though is for the council to take away the fly-tipped junk that shouldn't have been dumped there in the first place. I'd suggest that the binmen or street sweepers should be tasked with reporting it to whatever part of their department deals with fly tipping as part of their brief. West Hampstead shouldn't have to rely on kind hearted souls like the Bingilante (whom we shall forever salute) to clean up the streets.

So binfans, we start the binweek on BINCON 2. I have to say that I'm truly grateful that Camden never seemed to take part in the two week collection thing.

Bin Emptied Friday 7th October

They left a lots of the crud around the bin, but all praise to them, they took some of it. I'll post some thoughts on this later today when I have time. I'll also post more pics and a movie... really sorry I can't do it now binfans, but I've got a day job!

Bin Gets Emptied Tomorrow

Tomorrow morning just before 7am the bin will be emptied. It can't come a moment too soon either since the bin is well full and we are at BINCON 2 bordering on BINCON 1. Please Mr Bin Man, take away all the junk around the bin as well, for once. PLEASE!

BinCam In The Local Newspaper

I'm truly flattered the fantastic journalists over at the Camden New Journal thought BinCam was worthy of inclusion. I wonder if West Hampstead is ready for BinCam. We'll soon find out!

Thursday, 6 October 2011

Street Sweeper Bloke Cleans Up The Street Somewhat

I think it's safe to say you missed a bit though!

Bloke Recycles Chair

Thanks, hope you get some use out of it. Much better that you use it than it messes up the bin.

You're more than welcome to it, mate. Now if anybody would like a pink diving flipper...

Wednesday, 5 October 2011


One thing BinCam sees quite a bit of is people raking in the bins for things of value. I don't post videos of this because it's usually the same two old-timer blokes that do it and they seem harmless. They don't mess up the bin and don't seem to be looking for documents, so they aren't fraudsters or anything.

There's a BinPoll near the bottom of the right hand menu asking if it is acceptable to rake around in bins. I think it is - if what one person considers rubbish is useful for somebody else then they might as well have it. Some people might have an expectation of privacy with what they throw out though. Please vote - and leave comments if you feel strongly!

Anyway, be aware that people can and will go through what you throw out. So ensure you shred bank statements and the like to prevent identity fraud.

Sneak Seat Dump

Not much detail in the dark, but some woman does a sneaky night dump of a fold up chair. I wonder what will come of it. Nothing good, I imagine.

Also, note the pink diving flipper underneath the bin. What the....?

Nail-Biting Wait Until Bin Gets Emptied On Friday

The bin will be emptied on Friday, but we're already at BINCON 2. With one full day to go and no space left in the bin, there's a fair chance we'll be at full alert (BINCON 1) by Friday. Let's hope not!

Newspaper Gets Dumped In Bin

Looks like the Ham and High to me.

Monday, 3 October 2011

Birth Of A Bingelanti

At first you might think this guys behaviour is unusual. He examines the cardboard box (dumped earlier by the Night Plonker) in detail from all angles. If you know who this guy is though, it should be clear enough what he's doing. He is well disguised in a red hat and sunglasses, but dedicated binfans should recognise him as the original Bin Hero from a couple of weeks ago, whose actions we will forever salute. It's pretty clear to me that this is a man who has had enough and who has now turned bingelanti, attempting to hunt down the Night Plonker's address. Sorry mate, I checked already and it's not there. I'm sure this isn't the last we'll see of the bingelanti.

Return Of The Night Plonker

Not content with messing up one side of the bin, the plonker from the other night returns to dump a cardboard box on the other side. I checked on the box for an address, but couldn't find one. At first I suspected this guy worked in a shop nearby, but I am not 100% sure on that. This needs more looking into. He can't be coming from far away since he dragged that box into view rather than carrying it.

You can change your t-shirt dude, but I know it's you! Get back in the Hall Of Shame where you belong!

Sunday, 2 October 2011

Bloke Adds To DIY Pile

Some guy slinks in from the side in this video and adds a shelf to the pile of DIY rubbish. Either it was him who dumped the rest of the stuff there in the first place, or it is an example of the coffee cup effect, where people assume it is OK the dump a certain type of rubbish because somebody else did so first.

Welcome to the Hall Of Shame, matey.

Damn, Missed It

Well, BinCam isn't perfect. Due to the angle of the camera and the location of the bin on Friday/Saturday, BinCam missed a sneak-dump sometime between Friday evening and 10am on Saturday morning. Some nitwit dumped this DIY-type rubbish next to the bin.

The BinCam camera has been repositioned so as to get a clearer view of both sides of the bin :) I'll get you next time creep!

Council Bloke Sweeps Up - October 1st

Friday, 30 September 2011

Woman Falls Over Outside BinCam HQ

I've been struggling with myself about whether or not to post this one. This poor lady falls over and gets helped up by some passers by. Look at the top right hand side of the video. Maximise to full window for best viewing.

In the end I decided to post it. I reccon the balding bloke with the Tesco bag had some hand in it - he surveys the damage then slinks away, seemingly :-)

Was it wrong to post the clip of this unfortunate woman? I'm opening up a poll to see what you think, binfans. Please vote in the poll in lower part of the right hand menu. The results of this poll will have a strong bearing on what gets posted to BinCam in the future, so if you have an opinion, please don't hold back.

Bin Emptied Friday 30th September

Whoah there - be careful with the bin, guys!

Drunk Numpty Litters Plastic Bag Of Junk Food

1. A drunk plonker gets out of a taxi and just drops his half-eaten fried chicken and chips booze-munchies-feast on the ground without a care in the world.

2. So many people who walked past it and did nothing, but one man stands out for his honourable behaviour when he puts the litter in the bin. As ever, we salute you for your good deed, bin hero.

Most likely the drunk idiot was going to the ATM across the road to get cash for his taxi. What you can't see just off the camera is that he dumped his can of coke on top of the parking meter too. How do I know it was take-away chicken and a can of coke? I saw the aftermath in the morning on the way to work. Gutted I forgot to take a photo for you, binfans. I would have put it in the bin myself, but I was curious to see what would happen to it. And how do I know he was a drunk idiot? Only a drunk idiot would eat that cheapo fried chicken junk.

Wednesday, 28 September 2011

One More Day Before Bin Is Emptied

The bin will be emptied on Friday morning, but it's already pretty full. Will we manage to stay at BINCON 5 for the last day, or will the neighbourhood clowns turn nasty and start fly-tipping rubbish all over the place? Stay tuned to find out...

Council Bloke Cleans Up The Street

Nice work. Hasten ye back sir, hasten ye back.

Morning Coffee Nightmare

For some reason a bunch of idiots decided to leave their coffee cups on top of the bin today. No, not in the bin... on the bin. Of course, as readers of this blog will be fully aware, leaving something on top of a bin has only two possible outcomes: 1. it falls onto the street and messes up the place or 2. a bin hero will come along and put it in the bin - like the bird-brained twit who left it there should have done in the first place.

1. Bloke sneaks in from the side and places coffee cup number one on the bin.

2. Some smoker lady gets in on the action.

3. Unbelievably some other lady does the same thing.

4. This story has a happy ending when a bin hero decides things are getting out of hand and takes remedial action. We salute you, bin hero.

Weird that in all of BinCam's existence nobody has put a coffee cup on top of the bin and all of a sudden three people do it on the same day. I guess that it's some kind of learned behaviour, where the people see the first coffee cup sitting there and assume it's OK to leave theirs too. It's far from OK, however, so let's hope we don't see any more of this.

Yoof Doesn't Know How To Use A Bin

A hint for you, fool... you put the litter INSIDE the bin, not on top of it. I swear to god, it's about 50/50 how many people actually use this bin right.

1. Twit dumps energy drink can on top of the bin

2. Old timer opens the bin, can falls down the back and onto the street. Hmmm.

Yeah, I know... it's a bit of a lame posting, but it's been a quiet week so far. Things will possibly heat up towards then end of the week when the bin gets full.

Monday, 26 September 2011

Git Dumps A Couple Of Boxes OUTSIDE The Bin

What is it with these people? Dude, you were standing right next to the bin... how much extra effort is it to just open the bin and place the boxes INSIDE? If you don't, somebody else will have to - or it will clutter up the street. What does the inside of your house look like? Plonker... you're going straight in the hall of shame.

The aftermath.

Car Seat Recycled

1. Dude annoyingly dumps a car seat OUTSIDE the bin.

2. Another bloke takes the car seat. Fair enough... better than it cluttering up the pavement.

Spider Invades BinCam HQ

Saturday, 24 September 2011

Image auto-updating

The live webcam image now updates in your browser every minute, so there's no longer any need to keep refreshing the page folks.

Juice Box Present

Too lazy to put it in the bin, this dude puts it on the bin.

Fixed the outside light

It's one of these motion detecting lamps, so BinCam should be able to get decent pics of the night cretins now :)

Another guy taking a pee, Jesus

OK, another bloke taking a leek. This isn't really what BinCam is about, but this chap was so blatant about it, he was practically begging to have his vid posted. You can just see the green corner of the bin at the bottom of the screen.

If you pee next to a bin, nobody can see you, right?

TV Box Guy Reported :)

OK, I'm not 100% certain, but it looks like we've got a minor bin hero. Looks like this guy gets annoyed that the bin is full, spots the TV box cleaned up earlier by this other hero and fly-tipped originally by this plonker. Seems to me like in the latter part of the clip he calls the council to report the guy from the delivery address on the box and to request that they empty the bin.

1. Guy spots the full bin and calls somebody with details about the TV box. For bonus entertainment, you can see the guy who was complaining to the traffic warden earlier coming back to take a pic of the parking times sign.

2. Council come back later in the day to pick up the full bin. They never usually empty the bin twice in a week, never mind twice in a day, so I'm pretty sure it's must have been the guy calling the council in the last vid. Thank you, nice man.

Bin Hero

This guy is a legend. A true local hero.

1. The guy walks past the bin with his wife and they talk about the rubbish. Probably they are just generally moaning, but there is a chance she is the nappy bag culprit mentioned in a previous post and he's giving her a hard time for not dumping the bag properly. I'll give her the benefit of the doubt and assume they are just grumbling to each other.

2. Our hero borrows a shovel from the workmen across the street and cleans up the whole mess, including the TV box this this plonker dumped previously. The workman from across the street mucks in with the true blitz spirit and helps sweep up the mess. I tip my hat to these guys - fantastic work. Wish there were more like you.

Bonus entertainment - there is a guy in the background obviously complaining to a traffic warden about his ticket. There are swarms of traffic wardens in West Hampstead.

Bin Emptied Friday Morning

Night Dumper

22/09/2011 Some guy speed walks up to the bin and dumps a bag on the far side.

Dodgy Characters

OK, I can't say for sure what these guys are up to, but it is super-dodgy. I don't really mind what they are up to, but I DO mind that they dumped rubbish all over the street trying to find some plastic bags to use.

1. Making a mess finding plastic bags

2. OK, this is where it gets dodgy. He stashes something behind the bin.

3.  Really don't know what's going on here - but it's dodgy as hell. He retrieves the bag anyway.

Amazing the stuff that goes on on BinCam.


 22/09/2011 - If you dump it near a bin it's OK, right?

Morning Dump

 22/09/2011 - Guy dumps a plastic bag full of rubbish in the morning. Unfortunately the council won't pick it up, so it'll just sit there until somebody disposes of it properly. Sorry mate, but you should think about what you're doing.

Thursday, 22 September 2011

Hall Of Shame Added

Added a hall of shame photo album in the right hand column of the site. Check it out! Some real twits in there. Sorry about the poor quality of the night-time photos folks.

You Spoke. BinCam Listened (a bit)

Some really good suggestions received for BinCam. Amongst them:
  • Make the current BINCON level more prominent
  • Night vision for BinCam to catch the night cretins
  • Improved lighting / proximity lighting
  • High res wireless network camrea
All fantastic suggestions. Going to look into proximity lighting ASAP. BINCON level now displayed as an image at the top of the RHS menu. A high res wireless network camera might be overkill, but will surely be investigated. Thanks for the suggestions folks, keep 'em coming.

BinCam. First Blood

BinCam already proving its worth. Last night BinCam spotted a bloke dumping a pram and a bloke taking a leek on the bin. Too bad the nightshots are poor quality... might have to do something about that. Got a good shot of some twit fly-dumping a TV box too. Although the bloke relieving himself doesn't really lend itself to being suitable for BinCam, it was deemed amusing enough to be worthy of inclusion. See the all-new Hall Of Shame in the side menu for the pics.

Wednesday, 21 September 2011

Missed it

Due to teething problems BinCam missed whatever disgusting git dumped the black bag with nappies spilling out of it. It was dumped behind the bin sometime between midnight and half eight this morning. If it's not in the bin, the council won't pick it up, so it'll sit there until somebody sorts it out. I'm sick of doing it, so it won't be me. Let's see how long it's there for. I'm having various issues with the webcam, so haven't got 24 hour coverage yet. Whoever dumped it got lucky this time around... next time they will be going straight in the hall of shame. A bag with nappies spewing out of it was fly-tipped last week too, so no doubt I'll catch this cretin next week when they do it again.

Sunday, 18 September 2011

BinCam up and running

BinCam, West Hampstead is now operational. Bringing you news and updates from one of London's most poorly kept bins.